Saturday, 28 February 2015

The Addiction That No One Is Talking About.

It’s interesting to examine what you first thought about when you read those eight words. I’d say 90% of people contemplated a blog discussing drugs, alcohol or even gambling. All of these topics are prominent issues worthy of time and consideration. However, today I want to discuss a widespread issue that I believe to be overwhelmingly important yet largely misunderstood and ignored by society...and that my friends is our negative relationship with food.

I can explain this rather dramatic statement with a few simple scenarios: 

When a baby cries, what do we do? Feed it. 

When you’ve had a rough day at school or work, what’s the first thing you do when you get home? Raid the cupboards and biscuit jar. 

How do you socialise with friends? You go out to eat.

These three situations effectively illustrate the tri-complex nature of our relationship with food. Ultimately:
  1. We are exposed to a connection between food and comfort from a very early age
  2. We use food as an emotional outlet for stress, worry, sadness, reward and happiness.
  3. Food is an integral part of our personal survival, communication and societal norms.

So...just to summarise, we have a necessary, inescapable, readily available addictive substance, which we use to both abuse and reward ourselves and others and it's available pretty much everywhere we go at all times of the day?

So how do you propose we solve this problem might be the next question....

Although I would love to say I have the answer to this, sadly I don’t. However I strongly believe that the solution will be found in the analysis of our own eating habits. Like anything in life, knowledge is power. Understanding nutrition, even at the most basic level is one of the greatest things you will ever google. 

To stress, I’m not referring to the ‘points’ or ‘sins’ which some organisations use to insufficiently explain the illusion of healthy eating. When you learn to understand that nutrition and food are two very different things a number of eureka moments will ensue. 

Nutrition is what our body needs to perform at optimal levels. It encompasses all the different food groups, vitamins and minerals that we need for energy, recovery, growth and healthy weight maintenance. The application of this knowledge coupled with my next suggestion is hardly revolutionary, but it has proven to be personally invaluable and popular with people who choose to invest time and effort in their well being. 

As a girl who, to put it mildly, has an appetite second only to that of a blue whale, the greatest lessons I’ve ever learned about my own food consumption, I’ve discovered through the restrospection of a food diary. And it’s not just me. There’s empirical evidence to support the numerous physical and mental health benefits for those people who use a food diary on a daily basis. 

Recording what you consume will not only help to identify WHAT you are eating and WHEN, but it also exposes you to the nutritional value of the food you are ingesting. A further contemplation not to be dismissed or given secondary importance is to think about how you are feeling when you eat your snack or meal of choice, as this is a fundamental aspect in the eating habits we develop.

Anyone that knows me best or follows any of my social media accounts knows that I personally advocate a phone app called ‘My Fitness Pal’, which was recommended to me my very own personal fitness guru, Roy Clementines.

‘My Fitness Pal’ allows me to quickly and easily enter the details of everything I eat and drink during the space of a day, and although this may sound like a chore; a slightly neurotic and obsessive one...(yes I can hear the resounding cynicism echoing through cyberspace), I've found it to be the thing that works best for me and it allows me the flexibility, joy of moderation, and self awareness which enables me to make informed decisions. Because sadly, self-restraint and portion control are not two strengths I naturally possess.

Once you get the knack of it, you find yourself discovering more about your relationship with food than you have probably ever understood before. The app analyses the content of your diet. It handily breaks this information down into accessible bar and pie charts and even details the chemical composition of your food in figures (g’s) so you can keep track of your GDA's (guideline daily amounts). 

It also helps you audit your daily calorie intake, which is crucial for healthy weight maintenance. The app also allows you to monitor your progress on a weekly and monthly basis and it can highlight nutritional inadequacies and calorie over indulgences in your diet (I’d guess a shortage of protein being the number 1 deficiency). Other people like myself also use it to supervise and inform their macro count which is something I've talk about in other blogs.

Diet is an overwhelming modern concern and one that affects us on multiple emotional, health and physical wellbeing levels.The harsh truth that I will repeatedly shout from the roof tops is that diets might work short term, but until we address the short fall in knowledge regarding nutrition, and the emotional connection we all have with food, we will always be ten steps behind the multi billion £$ health industry. These products and organisations thrive off our desire for a quick and easy fix which CANNOT ADDRESS the origins of our highly complex relationship with food. 
The way we eat is a reflection of how we feel and visa versa and the expression ‘you are what you eat’ personifies our habits and values.

Admittedly I’ve opened a can of worms that I don’t have the answers to. However, I genuinely believe that a food diary is a great place to start to address our problems with food. I'm a great believer in sharing what you learn and this is what I have found to work best for me but I'm always interested to learn from other people.

I hope this this post will help in one way or another, because I am truly passionate about health and nutrition. Every day I challenge myself to learn something new about the substances we are putting into our bodies, because the more you understand, the more equipped you are to make informed nutritional choices that will affect the optimal functionality and advancement of your mental and physical health.

To get you started here are a few things to research and consider in the analysis of your diet.
  1. SUGAR aka 'The White Demon'- How much sugar are you consuming?
  2. Protein consumption (big one for the ladies). Protein keeps you fuller for longer and is necessary for muscle repair and growth.
  3. Healthy Fats - for a very long time we were lead to believe in it's detrimental affect on our coronary health, when it turns out not only is it good for many things from brain function, to energy and healthy skin! 
As the accurate cliche goes, your health is your wealth, and your body is a vessel which needs to be looked after through informed nourishment. Loving yourself and others starts with great nutrition, because food is our medicine, and our medicine will always be our food choices.

From Doha With Love. Always.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Let's Hear It For The Boys

Boys. We can’t live with them and we can't live without them. Like the rest of the human race they are tremendous and horrendous in equal measure. A lesser known fact however, is that they are also the victims of a huge social injustice.

Unintentional and sporadic observations which occurred organically over the course of this past week, have lead me to contemplate the value we assign to every respectable door holding, charismatic and chivalrous man we are lucky enough to encounter on a daily basis. These small yet significant liaisons rallied me enough that I began to jot down all the things that we ladies value in a modern day gentleman.

The proliferation of a modern day ‘lad culture’ which dominates the mass media, has reinforced the sweeping generalisations of a critical society which often likes to demonise men. The truth is that a modern day gentleman is a shape shifter of many different forms. He ranges in age, stance and stature and he can often turn up disguised by a hard hat and a beer belly. This unusual surveillance report has not only been duly noted for your general enjoyment, but it also serves as a positive performance appraisal for the majority of the male population whose partners, mothers, sisters and daughters are proud to claim them as their own.

Because of this daily display of commendable qualities, (which are not exclusive to strangers on the street) I think a few thank you’s are in order to all the men we know and love. First of all, to those of you who help us take our drunken friends home at 4am in the morning. 5 stars. A gentleman’s ability to overlook the irony of weight complaints, whilst simultaneously watching us inhale a large popcorn and accompanying bag of pick and mix, is creditworthy and a characteristic I would like to emphasise during the course of this discussion. In relation to the failure to co-ordinate a normal functioning gait after 5 hours in sky scrapper heels, kudos to the men willing to walk excruciatingly slow by our sides. The offer to link arms whilst we attempt to preserve the Samantha Jones like swag we had originally left the house with is an unquantifiable act of valour which deserves an equally insurmountable declaration of praise.  Perhaps one of the most important traits however, lies in the unspoken gentlemanly acknowledgement which most men have generously accepted regarding the permanent confiscation of your hoody(s). On behalf of cosy women everywhere, please accept this sentence as a token of our gratitude because you’re the real MVP’s.

Controversially, a round of applause for the man brave enough to walk across a room to talk to a woman in broad daylight. Sometimes us ladies lose sight of how bone shakenly scary that must be, and for the traditionalists amongst us, a tip of the cap is dedicated to you and your refusal to conform to social standards augmented by dating influencers like tinder. The truth is women are quite intimidating. Hell we often intimidate each other. The undisclosed general acknowledgement that we ladies like to keep under wraps is...that occasionally, we do in fact regret that knee jerk no we just slapped you across the face with. Regardless of the outcome, your slinky like ability to recover from these painful encounters is somewhat commendable. The wiry brush off every 18+ female has developed is not the fault of most men even though it is often wrongly inflicted upon them. Arguably this stems from a response which has originated as a result of small and select group of men (who are usually highly intoxicated!) that we shall colloquially refer to as the ‘Bum Pinchers’.  You know, the breed of man who feels compelled to lurch at a woman as she walks by, and refuses to take note of the friendly declines we have bombarded them with. In all my years, and all of the collective years of every female I have ever known, there has never been an occasion where a woman has ever welcomed or viewed this occurrence favourably. *Just a Hint*.

Following that slight digression, (which is far far removed from the everyday gentlemen we are choosing to celebrate) I have to admit that mistaking friendliness for flirtation is something which occurs to the detriment of women. For me, the male best friend is hands down the most valuable addition to any female’s social circle. I don't care if he's gay, straight horizontal or need one. The company of a gentleman serves as a much needed breath of fresh air. A MBF (Male Best Friend) is someone who you can indulge in a conversation with on the days you just need to escape all things female. Blissfully they neither know nor cares about the duration of HD eyebrows or a shellac manicure, and they’re sure to make you laugh in one of those carefree sort of ways. A man’s perspective is a lot like a micro dermobrasive treatment. It feels harsh and painful sometimes, but it leaves things looking and feeling a lot clearer afterwards. Women are natural over thinkers. We prepare ourselves for every eventuality and often get lost in the process of the ‘what if’s’ and the ‘should of, would of, could of’s.’ Men on the other hand, have an uncanny knack of breaking things down into the simplest of scenarios. These are usually delivered by a definitive one liner that hits you right between the eyes, and just as your about to cry, you remove your mouth from the floor and you realise they’re usually right.

Ultimately, what stands out in all of these occasions is the ability of a man to approach women with patience, humour, honesty and respect. So whether you're a stranger on a bus who stood up and gave a woman your seat, or you’re the young man who works in Tesco who goes out of his way to make an old lady laugh, your actions have been noted. Before I am tiraded by feminist protestors, (don’t laugh this has actually happened to me before!) I would like to disclaim that the behaviour of a gentlemen has no connection to a belief in physical or intellectual superiority. These spontaneous and serendipitous acts are initiated by someone with a good heart and a sunny disposition who just wants to make another person’s life that little bit easier and happier.

 For better or for worse, women NEVER forget.  So for all the good guys out there, keep doing what you’re doing.

From the females of the world with Love.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Decide For Your Selfie

The Good The Bad and The Ugly.

Social media is inundated with them and we participate in our own or someone else’s on a daily basis, yet there is a silent anti-selfie movement gathering momentum in every private whatsapp group from here to north Korea. I don’t care if you’re male, female, young or old. Everyone is exercising an opinion whether its publically or privately...the latter occupying the 98th percentile let’s be honest. So what is it about these marmite musings that has got everyone in such a fluster?

Admittedly the pout pursuit has taken on a life of its own. There is nothing more ironic than overlooking the magic of the present moment by trying to perfect a picture that most adequately conveys the wonderful time you’re having...whilst also making you look as attractive as possible of course!

 Ideally I would advise you to put down your phone and whole heartedly soak up the uniqueness of where you are and who you’re with. But that’s just not realistic in the online culture we now live in. The unwritten rule that an iphone MUST be within a 60cm radius at all times, is transforming the way we live our daily lives. Picture content is increasingly shaping the way we communicate with people and interact with the outside world. So unfortunately for some, it seems like the selfie is here to stay!

Where were you when my instagram selfie only got 6 likes?

You need only to look at my profile picture to see that I am a pro selfie activist. I’ve received my fair share of criticism too. ‘Too Pouty’ ‘Imaginative Use of Lighting’ and my personal favourite ‘That Doesn’t Even Look Like You’ name just a few! Luckily I was gifted with an elastic band sense of humour which allows me to spring back from these comments but others aren’t so fortunate. 

My advice for navigating ‘The should I, shouldn’t I post’ struggle, is to always bear in mind that people love to criticise. Don’t take it personally it’s human nature. If you feel confident enough to share a photo of yourself with the world, then you go right on ahead. Flex those muscles, pose with  ridiculous night club props and get the squad together for a silly group photo. Sadly we only get older and uglier, so if you feel good share it! Positive vibes are contagious.

My biggest criticism is photo editing. There is nothing about yourself that you should want to change so drastically, that it becomes visibly noticeable. I would question the motives behind photoshopping personal photographs as being largely unhealthy and self destructive. Everyone knows a selfie can undoubtedly be improved with an instagram filter and a brighter more flattering back drop. (God know this girl needs all the Valencia she can get!) But please bear in mind a facebook photograph is not intended for an editorial spread in Vogue Magazine. If you go missing how will we find you!

Ultimately, everything boils down to a matter of perspective. If a self indulgent selfie or two is the worst thing people can say about you, then I think you’re going to be ok. A true friend will always give you a supportive like because they know that you are FABULOUS whether other people think that you look absurd or not. Privately, we might tell you (from a place of love) that a particular photo does the real you no justice. The best kind of photographs are the ones where someone’s smile reaches their eyes or you’ve managed to capture them mid uncontrollable laugh. They’re the creme de la creme and the real ones worth breaking the internet for.

We should never lose sight of the fact that social media puts people in a vulnerable position. Everyone needs a little bit of space to work out how much or how little of themselves they want to expose to the world. My own personal mantra is if you don’t like my pictures on instagram feel free to unfollow. If you don’t like what I say on Facebook remove me as a friend. I only want to be surrounded by people who contribute to my life in a happy and positive way. 

The crux of the matter is that I don’t hang around with anyone who makes me feel bad about myself, or the occasional ridiculous looking selfies which I post. Thankfully I am blessed with good friends who help me manoeuvre the treacherous social media balancing act. But whatever your own selfie choice is, choose it for you and no one else.

From Edinburgh with Love.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Comedy tidings of 'The Duck'

There's quite a bit of pressure on your first introductory blog. Who are you? What are you interested in? And why should I care about anything you have to say?

Well like most 22 year olds, I struggle to answer those questions on a personal basis never mind for the consumption of the general public. I can only compare this scenario to the age old query of distant relatives harmlessly enquiring: 'What are you doing with your life?' or 'What are your plans for the future?'.

 If like me you're lucky and can temporarily fend off these double ended investigations with well thought out counter attacks like: 'Oh I'm actually doing my Masters at the minute....' then I'm sure you will relate to the problems which I encounter on this blog. This has lead me to develop the term 'Academic Escapism,' which is one of the most basic (yet quite costly!) survival techniques of every twenty something bullet dodger. However when the time comes, oh and the time will come! when this chapter is closed and a new one is ready to be broached, the plot will be a revelation even to me.

Hence my dear cyber friends, this is the first of many blogs to come, depicting the trials and tribulations of 'The Modern Day Duck'. One who appears to be swimming effortlessly on the surface, but is in actual fact kicking for dear life under the water line.

If you would like to join me in the contemplation of my daily triumphs and troubles, then this is an open invitation to RSPV at your leisure. At best you might be able to relate to a few things...and at worst I might occasionally inspire a gust of air to exit your nose at high volicity. (You know the one which replaces the sound of laughter while surfing online.)

When I'm not bombarding you with the witty observations of  a twenty something chancer, I might even talk about the things that interest me. Health, culture, sport, fashion and yes...the occasional beauty post is sure to pop up here somewhere.

So if you're attention span has gotten you this far down then thank you...this blog might be enjoyable for you after all. If not then it's true what they say, it is better to have tried and lost, than to have never tried at all.

That's all for now, please feel free to follow, share and post comments! Ideally, I hope that you practice the "if you have nothing nice to say..." principle, but I will strive to take it all on the chin regardless!

From Edinburgh with Love.