Saturday, 21 February 2015

Comedy tidings of 'The Duck'

There's quite a bit of pressure on your first introductory blog. Who are you? What are you interested in? And why should I care about anything you have to say?

Well like most 22 year olds, I struggle to answer those questions on a personal basis never mind for the consumption of the general public. I can only compare this scenario to the age old query of distant relatives harmlessly enquiring: 'What are you doing with your life?' or 'What are your plans for the future?'.

 If like me you're lucky and can temporarily fend off these double ended investigations with well thought out counter attacks like: 'Oh I'm actually doing my Masters at the minute....' then I'm sure you will relate to the problems which I encounter on this blog. This has lead me to develop the term 'Academic Escapism,' which is one of the most basic (yet quite costly!) survival techniques of every twenty something bullet dodger. However when the time comes, oh and the time will come! when this chapter is closed and a new one is ready to be broached, the plot will be a revelation even to me.

Hence my dear cyber friends, this is the first of many blogs to come, depicting the trials and tribulations of 'The Modern Day Duck'. One who appears to be swimming effortlessly on the surface, but is in actual fact kicking for dear life under the water line.

If you would like to join me in the contemplation of my daily triumphs and troubles, then this is an open invitation to RSPV at your leisure. At best you might be able to relate to a few things...and at worst I might occasionally inspire a gust of air to exit your nose at high volicity. (You know the one which replaces the sound of laughter while surfing online.)

When I'm not bombarding you with the witty observations of  a twenty something chancer, I might even talk about the things that interest me. Health, culture, sport, fashion and yes...the occasional beauty post is sure to pop up here somewhere.

So if you're attention span has gotten you this far down then thank you...this blog might be enjoyable for you after all. If not then it's true what they say, it is better to have tried and lost, than to have never tried at all.

That's all for now, please feel free to follow, share and post comments! Ideally, I hope that you practice the "if you have nothing nice to say..." principle, but I will strive to take it all on the chin regardless!

From Edinburgh with Love.

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