Boys. We can’t live with them and we can't live without
them. Like the rest of the human race they are tremendous and horrendous in
equal measure. A lesser known fact however, is that they are also the victims
of a huge social injustice.
Unintentional and sporadic observations which occurred organically over the course of this past week, have lead me to
contemplate the value we assign to every respectable door holding, charismatic
and chivalrous man we are lucky enough to encounter on a daily basis. These
small yet significant liaisons rallied me enough that I began to jot down all
the things that we ladies value in a modern day gentleman.
The proliferation of a modern day ‘lad culture’ which
dominates the mass media, has reinforced the sweeping generalisations of a
critical society which often likes to demonise men. The truth is that a modern
day gentleman is a shape shifter of many different forms. He ranges in age,
stance and stature and he can often turn up disguised by a hard hat and a beer
belly. This unusual surveillance report has not only been duly noted for your
general enjoyment, but it also serves as a positive performance appraisal for
the majority of the male population whose partners, mothers, sisters and
daughters are proud to claim them as their own.
Because of this daily display of commendable qualities,
(which are not exclusive to strangers on the street) I think a few thank you’s
are in order to all the men we know and love. First of all, to those of you who
help us take our drunken friends home at 4am in the morning. 5 stars. A
gentleman’s ability to overlook the irony of weight complaints, whilst
simultaneously watching us inhale a large popcorn and accompanying bag of pick
and mix, is creditworthy and a characteristic I would like to emphasise during
the course of this discussion. In relation to the failure to co-ordinate a
normal functioning gait after 5 hours in sky scrapper heels, kudos to the men
willing to walk excruciatingly slow by our sides. The offer to link arms whilst we attempt to preserve the Samantha Jones like swag we had originally
left the house with is an unquantifiable act of valour which deserves an
equally insurmountable declaration of praise.
Perhaps one of the most important traits however, lies in the unspoken
gentlemanly acknowledgement which most men have generously accepted regarding
the permanent confiscation of your hoody(s). On behalf of cosy women everywhere,
please accept this sentence as a token of our gratitude because you’re the real
Controversially, a round of applause for the man brave
enough to walk across a room to talk to a woman in broad daylight. Sometimes us
ladies lose sight of how bone shakenly scary that must be, and for the
traditionalists amongst us, a tip of the cap is dedicated to you and your
refusal to conform to social standards augmented by dating influencers like tinder. The truth is women
are quite intimidating. Hell we often intimidate each other. The undisclosed general
acknowledgement that we ladies like to keep under wraps is...that occasionally,
we do in fact regret that knee jerk no we just slapped you across the face
with. Regardless of the outcome, your slinky like ability to recover from these
painful encounters is somewhat commendable. The wiry brush off every 18+ female
has developed is not the fault of most men even though it is often wrongly
inflicted upon them. Arguably this stems from a response which has originated
as a result of small and select group of men (who are usually highly
intoxicated!) that we shall colloquially refer to as the ‘Bum Pinchers’. You know, the breed of man who feels
compelled to lurch at a woman as she walks by, and refuses to take note of the friendly declines we have bombarded them with. In all my years, and all of the collective years of every female I have
ever known, there has never been an occasion where a woman has ever welcomed or
viewed this occurrence favourably. *Just a Hint*.
Following that slight digression, (which is far far removed
from the everyday gentlemen we are choosing to celebrate) I have to admit that
mistaking friendliness for flirtation is something which occurs to the
detriment of women. For me, the male best friend is hands down the most
valuable addition to any female’s social circle. I don't care if he's gay,
straight horizontal or need one. The company of a gentleman
serves as a much needed breath of fresh air. A MBF (Male Best Friend) is
someone who you can indulge in a conversation with on the days you just need to
escape all things female. Blissfully they neither know nor cares about the
duration of HD eyebrows or a shellac manicure, and they’re sure to make you
laugh in one of those carefree sort of ways. A man’s perspective is a lot like
a micro dermobrasive treatment. It feels harsh and painful sometimes, but it
leaves things looking and feeling a lot clearer afterwards. Women are natural
over thinkers. We prepare ourselves for every eventuality and often get lost in
the process of the ‘what if’s’ and the ‘should of, would of, could of’s.’ Men
on the other hand, have an uncanny knack of breaking things down into the
simplest of scenarios. These are usually delivered by a definitive one liner
that hits you right between the eyes, and just as your about to cry, you remove
your mouth from the floor and you realise they’re usually right.
Ultimately, what stands out in all of these occasions is
the ability of a man to approach women with patience, humour, honesty and
respect. So whether you're a stranger on a bus who stood up and gave a woman
your seat, or you’re the young man who works in Tesco who goes out of his way
to make an old lady laugh, your actions have been noted. Before I am tiraded by
feminist protestors, (don’t laugh this has actually happened to me before!) I
would like to disclaim that the behaviour of a gentlemen has no connection to a
belief in physical or intellectual superiority. These spontaneous and
serendipitous acts are initiated by someone with a good heart and a sunny
disposition who just wants to make another person’s life that little bit easier
and happier.
For better or for
worse, women NEVER forget. So for all
the good guys out there, keep doing what you’re doing.
From the females of the world with Love.
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